I have talked about this before in previous podcasts or blogs, but I’ll just briefly mention it again. Studies have been done to demonstrate this, that if you take 1,000 people who are asymptomatic, they have no back pain or pain in general. They are doing well and they are functioning great; you do an MRIs on each of them, you are going to find herniated discs on 200 or more of those patients. Those herniated discs are not causing pain at all. You can’t just jump to the conclusion that their pain is always caused by herniated discs.
I determine what pathology is causing their symptoms and I treat that pathology appropriately. This approach enables me to remove the cause of the pain. I have had patients who come with multiple tests and opinions from other doctors indicating that they need back surgery, but after I do my evaluation, I determine that it is another cause, for example, a hip issue. After the hip issue is treated, the pain is improved.