Winter sports activities, such as skiing, snowboarding, skating, hockey, and others, can be brutal on joints and muscles, particularly on your back, knees, shoulders, and wrists.
For example, knee osteoarthritis – characterized by pain, stiffness, and functional deficit – is a common pathology among those who engage in strenuous athletic activities. Any strenuous activity, for that matter, can lead to acute or chronic pain in weight-bearing areas of the body.
There are various therapeutic treatment options for orthopedic pain, including anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and surgery that may be costly, risky, or, in the case of painkillers, potentially addictive. A safer, affordable, and effective alternative to these options is oxygen-ozone shots for pain.
The Healing Power of Ozone
Therapeutic injections of medical ozone into soft tissue structures, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and arthritic joints have been used to provide pain relief for more than 100 years by medical clinics around the globe.
Ozone is a naturally occurring, colorless gas consisting of three atoms of oxygen (O3). It is a potent oxidizing agent found to have not only an anti-inflammatory effect but the ability to repair and regenerate tissue by stimulating growth factor production and release.
In various clinical studies, oxygen-ozone has been shown to have an analgesic effect in the treatment of osteoarthritis. The therapeutic effects of ozone in treatment of low back pain with and without sciatica has also been documented in numerous double-blind randomized controlled studies. Ozone injection for knee and shoulder pain has been shown to be just as effective.
Ozone therapy for muscle pain, muscle spasms, or joint pain is a simple in-office injection treatment that requires no anesthetic and is performed by triple board-certified Dr. Warren J. Bleiweiss at Alternative Disc Therapy in Caldwell, New Jersey. For patients who are uncomfortable with injections or have a fear of needles, Dr. Bleiweiss provides nitrous oxide upon request.
Better yet, there is no downtime with ozone injection therapy. Once the treatment is over, you can resume your normal activities. Ozone injection treatments for disc herniations, however, are performed with fluoroscopic guidance at an outpatient surgical center.
Ozone Injection Doctor in Caldwell, New Jersey
Dr. Bleiweiss pioneered the ozone disc injection treatment for disc herniations in the United States over a decade ago and performs this procedure routinely with reliable and positive outcomes. In addition to safely and effectively treating disc herniations with ozone injections, he also uses this method to successfully treat muscle pain, joint pain, sports injuries, back and neck pain, arthritis, and more. Recognized as a leading expert in this revolutionary treatment, Dr. Bleiweiss regularly treats patients from the U.S., Canada, and around the world.
You can enjoy pain-free outdoor activities this winter and every season by discovering the advantages of ozone injection treatment from one of the leaders in the field of regenerative medicine. To get started, call our practice today at (973) 403-3334 for your consultation with Dr. Bleiweiss, or schedule it online using our interactive request an appointment form. We also offer telemedicine appointments for our patients’ convenience.
The Use of Ozone in Chronic Joint Pain
Intra-articular Oxygen-ozone Therapy for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis
NIH – U.S. National Library of Medicine