If you’re looking for an alternative to a number of invasive procedures, such as knee replacement or shoulder surgery, you need to look no further than ozone injections.
Ozone (O3) is a naturally occurring, colorless gas consisting of molecules that are comprised of three atoms of oxygen. It has been used to safely and successfully treat a wide variety of medical conditions – including joint and muscle pain, disc herniations, sports injuries, back and neck pain, and arthritis.
Ozone injection therapy involves injecting a specific dose of ozone into a specific affected site in order to stimulate and quicken the body’s natural healing process. As such, it is a minimally invasive treatment option that can treat many conditions and ailments.
However, there are notable benefits to ozone injection therapy besides just helping heal musculoskeletal injuries, relieve chronic pain, and restore mobility.
The Major Benefits of Ozone Therapy
Ozone injections administered by Dr. Warren J. Bleiweiss at Alternative Disc Therapy in Caldwell, New Jersey, offer many significant healthcare benefits, including:
Fortifying Your Immune System.
Your immune system is the main line of defense against viral and bacterial infections. With age comes a decline in your natural immunities. Medical grade oxygen-ozone has potent anti-inflammatory properties that help prepare your body to naturally ward off harmful pathogens. Within a short 30-minute session, your immune system becomes stimulated to aid in healing.
Detoxifying Your Body.
Every day, we are exposed to toxins that can build up in our bodies and have many adverse effects. This includes hampering your body’s ability to heal itself. Ozone injection therapy detoxification can help alleviate:
- Allergies
- Chronic fatigue
- Digestive issues
- Insomnia
- Joint pain
- Respiratory problems
- Skin conditions
Providing Joint Pain Relief.
More than 30 million American adults are affected by osteoarthritis. This degenerative joint disease occurs most frequently in the hands, hips, and knees, causing pain, stiffness, swelling, and reduced range of motion in the affected areas. The condition can be improved, and its symptoms can be managed with ozone injection therapy. Ozone’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the swelling and tension in the joints, thereby providing pain relief and increased flexibility. It also provides the ability to delay or avoid more invasive surgical treatment.
Combatting Heart Disease.
If you have been diagnosed with a heart condition, low oxygen saturation in your blood can result in tightness in the chest and lightheadedness. Ozone injection therapy can increase the oxygen saturation in your red blood cells, thus allowing more oxygen to be delivered to your heart and other tissue. This can also be helpful in preventing blood clots.
Protecting against viruses and bacterial infections.
Medical-grade ozone has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties that can reduce the number of viral replications in your body. Not only does it reduce your risk of viral infections like the flu and common cold, but can also resolve a bacterial infection within a couple of days following treatment.
Ozone Injections in Caldwell, New Jersey
If you are suffering from a painful disc herniation or pain in your joints or muscles and are seeking a nonsurgical solution to promote effective healing and recovery, consider oxygen-ozone injections from Dr. Bleiweiss at Alternative Disc Therapy.
Dr. Bleiweiss pioneered ozone disc injection treatment for disc herniations in the United States more than a decade ago and performs this procedure routinely with reliable and positive outcomes. He also provides other types of ozone treatments, such as optimizing your immune system to defend against viral infections.
To learn more about the advantages of ozone injections from one of the foremost leaders in the field, call our practice today at (973) 403-3334 to arrange a consultation, or use our request an appointment form. For your added convenience, we also offer telemedicine appointments.