If you are under the impression that the only real remedy for a disc herniation or pain in joints or muscles is surgery, think again. There is an effective nonsurgical alternative that delivers excellent results called oxygen-ozone disc injection therapy.
Understanding how oxygen-ozone produces a therapeutic effect in the body (i.e., its mechanism of action) is the first step to getting the treatment you need to relieve your pain and suffering without undergoing the trauma of surgery or the potential side effects of medication.
The How, Where, and Why of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy
Let’s start with ozone. It’s a super-charged oxygen molecule consisting of three atoms of oxygen that has been used worldwide to treat a broad range of health problems for more than a century. These conditions include disc herniations, joint pain, muscle pain, sports injuries, back and neck pain, and arthritis, as well as a sluggish immune system.
Most ozone injection procedures are performed in a doctor’s office without the need for anesthesia or downtime, although treatment for a herniated disc is performed under fluoroscopic guidance at an outpatient surgical center.
Ozone disc injection procedure is an effective alternative to back and neck surgery to treat disc herniations and is very safe. It relieves pressure on spinal nerves by shrinking the herniated portion of a ruptured or bulging disc. Unlike surgery, ozone disc injections also improve the long-term health of the disc and makes no change to disc structural integrity. This is an outpatient procedure performed in a surgical center. The treatment is performed safely with fluoroscopic guidance and local anesthesia. This procedure is received by patients who do not want back or neck surgery due to disc herniations. Patients come to New Jersey from all over the US and Canada to seek this treatment, because the procedure offers effectiveness of spine surgery without the trauma and downtime, as well as risks related to surgery. Medical oxygen-ozone also safely and effectively treats, eliminates, or minimizes chronic joint and muscle pain. Ozone knee and muscle injections are performed in an office setting. They are an effective alternative to conventional pain treatments including joint surgeries. Ozone injection treatments are safer and a less complicated alternative to surgical procedures, such as those involving the knee and shoulder joints. Any ozone injection is regenerative and healthy. Other benefits include:
- A reduction in the pain and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
- An improvement in mild to moderate cases of carpal tunnel syndrome.
- An improvement in oxygen delivery to tissues, which minimizes the stress placed on lungs by respiratory disorders such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, lung cancer, mesothelioma, pulmonary hypertension, or tuberculosis.
- The prevention of bacterial development and growth, thus halting the spread of infections.
- The prevention and control of infectious skin diseases and skin-related allergic conditions.
- An improvement in visual acuity in patients diagnosed with macular degeneration by minimizing the loss of photoreceptors (cells in the retina that respond to light).
- An improvement in the immune system through multiple mechanisms and deactivation of bacteria, viruses, and other foreign bodies.
Oxygen-Ozone Therapy in Caldwell, New Jersey
Oxygen-ozone injections are routinely performed by Dr. Warren J. Bleiweiss, a triple board-certified nationwide leader in the field of regenerative medicine at Alternative Disc Therapy based in Caldwell, New Jersey. Dr. Bleiweiss not only treats disc herniations with oxygen-ozone injections, but also utilizes this method to treat joint pain, muscle pain, sports injuries, back and neck pain, arthritis, and other painful conditions with effective and reliable results. Dr. Bleiweiss also uses ozone therapy to boost the immune system and help fight viruses and harmful bacteria.
If you are suffering from any form of chronic pain and are seeking a nonsurgical solution that offers effective healing and a swift recovery, you owe it to yourself to explore the benefits of oxygen-ozone therapy by calling us today at (973) 403-3334 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bleiweiss. Or, if you prefer, simply fill out our convenient Request an Appointment form. We also offer telemedicine appointments if you are unable to visit our office in person.