Lower back and neck pain are common problems, especially for older individuals, those who are overweight, and those who perform a lot of lifting either on the job or when exercising. However, if you experience pain on one side of your body, sharp pain in one part of a leg, hip, or buttocks, pain when moving your neck, or deep pain near or over a shoulder blade, you may be suffering from a herniated disc.
Fortunately, most people do not require surgery to relieve the symptoms of a herniated disc. Usually, a few days of rest and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications will suffice until the disc heals itself. Other non-surgical treatments include prescription pain relievers, muscle relaxants, corticosteroid injections, and physical therapy.
But what if the pain doesn’t simply go away and, having exhausted all non-invasive options, your doctor recommends spine surgery?
Spinal surgery carries some risk of injuring the spinal cord, which can lead to serious injuries to the nerves or the dura (the covering of the spinal cord). Such damage can cause paralysis in certain areas, depending on which spinal nerves are affected.
Thankfully, an effective, non-surgical alternative to surgery can relieve the pain of a herniated disc. Let’s learn more about these non-invasive pain treatments and where you can go for these treatments in Caldwell, New Jersey.
How Ozone Treats a Herniated Disc
The oxygen-ozone disc injection procedure has been available in Europe for decades as a standard treatment for disc herniations, and numerous studies have proven that its effectiveness is sustainable and long-lasting.
Oxygen-ozone disc injections help to relieve pressure on your spinal nerves by shrinking the herniated portion of the affected disc. Unlike surgery, the treatment does not create major trauma to your body, orreduce the disc’s height or alter its normal anatomy, which cannot be reversed. Also, it improves the long-term health of the disc by:
- Stimulating the cells in the annulus (the outer covering of the disc) to proliferate,thus having the potential to repair the existing tear with all herniations.
- Signaling your body’s stem cells to mobilize to the affected area.
- Enhancing the cells’ ability to cope with oxidative stress when your antioxidant levels are low.
- Decreasing inflammation in the affected area.
- Improving blood flow to the area.
- Increasing lymphatic drainage to relieve painful swelling.
Oxygen-ozone disc injections are a same-day outpatient procedure requiring no significant downtime such as that associated with spine surgery. Also, it does not pose the risk of “failed back surgery syndrome”, which occurs in more than 25 percent of people who undergo spine surgery. Moreover, the disc injection procedure can be safely repeated if necessary. However, that is rarely the case due to its high success rate, and the good effect of the oxygen-ozone disc injection procedure is accumulative.
Herniated Disc Doctor in Caldwell, New Jersey
If you have a painful disc herniation or bulge and don’t want to undergo risky surgery, or if surgery has failed to bring you adequate relief, consider ozone disc injection treatment at Alternative Disc Therapy.As a leading expert in North America in treating disc herniations with oxygen-ozone injections without surgery or medication, Dr. Bleiweiss has helped innumerable patients relieve their herniated disc pain.
To learn more about this revolutionary treatment, call our practice at (973) 403-3334. If you would like toschedule a consultation with Dr. Bleiweiss, use our online appointment request form. For your added convenience, we also offer telemedicine appointments that enable you to visit with Dr. Bleiweiss electronically from the comfort of your home. So, contact us today.