Your knees support your body weight and allow for movement. With healthy knees, you can sit, walk, run, and jump without any issue. When the knees start hurting, you can expect some degree of limitation to function. You need your knees for daily activities.
A very common cause of persistent knee pain is a meniscus tear. The meniscus is wedge-shaped cartilage that is located between the shinbone and thigh bone, providing cushion. A sudden twisting or forceful rotation of the knee can cause a tear in the meniscus. Knee meniscus tears are painful. They can make it difficult to extend your knee and cause a sensation of it locking. Meniscus tears that are not severe can heal on their own without surgery.
If pain from a meniscus tear is preventing you from returning to your normal activities, there are viable treatments that do not involve the use of medication and surgery. You will find such treatments at a pain management doctor’s clinic.
Why Visit A Pain Specialist?
Pain specialists or pain management doctors have specialized knowledge in treating pain from a wide range of conditions, using nonsurgical methods. They also offer the latest in pain treatments that the general public may still not be aware of, such as regenerative treatments.
Regenerative Treatments for Knee Pain
Regenerative treatments for pain focus on boosting the body’s healing ability and providing what it needs for the knee cartilage to heal itself.
Photo Activated Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
Photo-activated PRP therapy is the latest regenerative treatment available for patients with persistent knee pain. You may have heard of PRP therapy, but this version is a more potent treatment method that uses light, resulting in a more powerful treatment for knee pain.
During the treatment, the pain doctor takes a sample of your blood and separates the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood components by using a centrifuge. Next, the doctor activates the platelets and growth factors using three different wavelengths of light. Then, the pain doctor reinjects the photo-activated platelet-rich solution into the site of injury or inflammation, in this case, the knee.
Photo-activated PRP therapy works because the platelet-rich solution contains cytokines and growth factors that are further enhanced through light activation. The solution helps improve circulation and reduce swelling and inflammation. It is often the case that knee pain persists because there is chronic inflammation present. Chronic inflammation can hinder the complete healing of the knee.
Photo-activated PRP therapy PRP treatments can be used to treat patients with joint pain, arthritis, tendonitis, and ligament tears, and other sports injuries. For your safety and to get the best results, make sure to choose a board-certified pain management doctor to perform this treatment.
Regenerative Treatments for Knee Pain in Caldwell, NJ
Dr. Warren J. Bleiweiss of Alternative Disc Therapy is a triple-board certified physician offering the most advanced photo-activated PRP injections. Dr. Bleiweiss likes to create tailored treatment plans for our patients for satisfying outcomes.
Dr. Bleiwess believes that the body can rid itself of pain without the use of medication or invasive surgeries, and he is dedicated to providing more options to his patients by being actively involved in the research of regenerative medicine.
Many of our patients who receive photo-activated PRP injections report an improvement in symptoms immediately after treatment. Others experience the results after a couple of weeks. If you are interested in this highly advanced treatment, call the Alternative Disc Therapy clinic at 973-403-3334 or use our online request form.
If you would like to schedule a virtual appointment with Dr. Bleiwess before an in-person visit, you may do so using the same online request form. We look forward to serving you in our Caldwell pain clinic.